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Chip away in a sentence

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Sentence count:20+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: keep awaychipchipsblue-chipmicrochiparchipelagopawnspawnMeaning: v. remove or withdraw gradually: "These new customs are chipping away at the quality of life". 
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1, I chip away the damaged brick and replaced it with a new one.
2, She used a hammer to chip away the stone.
3, Chip away the damaged area.
4, He used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the wall.
5, The group had hoped to chip away at its debts by selling assets.
6, In therapy, we chip away at this, bit by bit.
7, Such advances are helping to chip away local employer prejudice against recruiting from the estate.
8, I was beginning to chip away at his lead.
9, It will be necessary to chip away all the paint before applying a new layer.
10, Start with your smallest debt first and chip away at it until it's gone.
11, You chip away at the problem until somebody comes up with the right answer.
12, By practicing these agreements[], we can chip away at all the self-defeating beliefs we've created within us. We can recover our personal freedom.
13, They are always trying to chip away at big government, big business , big unions, big influence.
14, By practicing these agreements,[ away.html] we can chip away at all the self-defeating beliefs we've created within us.
15, Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.
16, He was looking for smallish, easy to dispose of assets, stuff to chip away at.
17, Even a dominant firm will face rivals seeking to find a window of opportunity to chip away at the dominant position.
18, Oystercatchers may wedge the shells into a crevice and chip away at the lip.
19, The best rewriting method in this case is the simplest: by correcting one problem you chip away at the others.
20, Mr Zittrain fears that the rise of tethered appliances will inevitably chip away at the freedom of the internet and personal computing, which many take for granted.
More similar words: keep awaychipchipsblue-chipmicrochiparchipelagopawnspawnprincipalriparianantipathydissipatemunicipalanticipatemultipartyemancipatehipdissipationparticipateprincipalityparticipantHIPSshipwhipconstipationmunicipalityanticipationemancipationawayparticipate in
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